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Why fiber optic transmission instead of cable transmission?

With the advancement of technology, telecommunications have become an important aspect of our daily lives. However, obtaining the best medium for data transfer is critical. The most common transmission media are optical fiber and cable transmission. While both have their unique advantages, opting for fiber optic transmission over cable transmission has become the preferable option. Fiber optic transmission uses fiber optic cables — bundles of glass wires — to transmit information over long distances in pulses of light. Cable transmission, on the other hand, uses metal coaxial cables to transmit data. Here are reasons why fiber optic transport is a better choice.

First, fiber optic transmission supports higher bandwidths than coaxial cables. The glass wires in fiber optic cables allow light signals to be transmitted at almost unimaginable speeds and are capable of handling much higher data loads than other media.

Secondly, the signal quality and clarity of optical fiber transmission are high. Data transmission over fiber optics is not subject to interference caused by radio frequency interference or electromagnetic interference like cable transmission. This allows for clearer signal reception and fewer interruptions.

Third, compared with cable transmission, fiber optic transmission is safer. Fiber optic cables do not emit any radiation and are not easily exploited by hackers and other unauthorized users of the network for malicious activities. This makes optical fiber transmission the safest transmission medium for critical data.

Finally, compared to cable transmission, fiber optic transmission is more environmentally friendly because it does not emit harmful chemicals into the environment due to electromagnetic interference.

In conclusion, choosing fiber optic transmission over cable transmission provides higher bandwidth, better signal clarity, better security, and is environmentally friendly. With the increasing demand for faster, more reliable network services, fiber optic transmission has become a cost-effective option for homes and businesses seeking to reduce the cost of data transmission while increasing the efficiency of their communications infrastructure.

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Post time: Jun-07-2023